Sky Saker-H300
The Sky Saker-H300 is a reconnaissance and attack unmanned helicopter designed and manufactured by China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO). The UAV was unveiled at the ISNR (International Exhibition for Security & National Resilience) exhibition held in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) in March 2016. The Sky Saker-H300 reconnaissance and attack unmanned helicopter system consists of an unmanned helicopter platform, a mission payload, and a ground control station (GCS).
Classification: Armed and reconnaissance drone helicopter.
Design: China
Accessories: Two missiles, electronic devices such as camera systems, lasers, or radars.
GVW: max 300 kg
Altitude: maximum 2,500-3,000 m
Crew: 1 operator
Endurance: 5 hours
The Sky Saker-H300 is designed with a coaxial rotor system that will allow this small unmanned helicopter to have the features of a standard helicopter but in a smaller size. The Sky Saker-H300 has a maximum takeoff weight of 300 kg, with a payload capacity of up to 100 kg. It can fly at a maximum speed of 160 km/h with a maximum endurance of 5 hours. It is capable of operating in remote control and/or autonomous mode while performing missions. In remote control mode, it is controlled by an operator from a ground control station.
Sky Saker-H300 is mainly used to perform combat missions such as precision strike, battlefield reconnaissance and surveillance, precise target positioning, laser illumination and attack/damage effect assessment. It can perform fire correction for conventional ammunition and laser illumination for laser-guided ammunition, to meet the military's requirements for automatic operation and command, rapid organization of operations and precision attack in modern warfare.
Sky Saker-H300 has a maximum take-off weight of 300 kg, with a payload capacity of up to 100 kg. It can fly at a maximum speed of 160 km/h with a maximum endurance time of 5 hours.