ELT 572 DIRCM systems

ELT 572 DIRCM systems

The ELT/572 DIRCM (Directional Infrared Reflection Method) system belongs to the Elettronica-based ecm system family, designed to provide reliable and effective protection for rotary-wing and fixed-wing aircraft against Current and future threats from manpads. The system has been integrated with a range of missile warning systems (mws), from uw to ir based systems. The system's flexible architecture allows for easy installation into an sps that already includes an mws system, both legacy and modern.

ELT/572 can effectively counter threats up to the third generation of sair. Its fiber laser technology enhances dircm efficiency by improving performance, reliability and efficiency, reducing installation limitations and making setup, alignment and maintenance operations even more critical and more complex.

The ELT/572 consists of three parts: a mirrored turret, a laser generator and an electronics part. In dual turret control mode, the two dircm systems are precisely coordinated by a specifically designed multi-turret manager (patent pending): one function implemented in each subsystem and is only enabled in one subsystem at a time (master subsystem). responsible for effectively coordinating the two subsystems

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